jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009


Probably many of you have seen this video clip, but it is fine if we watch it again because it is of importance to remember who we are in realtion to Earth.

This beautiful video says it all.
We have to be united like a big family. Humans and nature depend on each other. We are here. We share a common ground, full of beauty, but most of all, of love.
Nature is always loving the human being, by nurturing him and accepting this human as part of her. Never believe that nature is in your way, for she has given you the way.
Never cut a tree down, because a tree is part of your family and you don't want to hurt one of your family. Akways think and look at them as your big brothers who take care of you. Love nature, dont let her down.
Remember We are a big familyrobably many of you have watched this video, but it is worth it to watch it again.

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009

Not Everything we see...

Take a look at what "Not everything we see... are exactly clouds. There are two ufo's photographs that were taken at different years. One in Brazil by the year 1950 and the other one taken, 4 years later in Europe; that would be 1954; but the amazing part of it is, that this photo taken in Puerto Rico the day before the Gulf explosion that shook the metropolitan area that day, the sky was full of weird clouds shaped like those ufo’s that I just mention above. If you compare these shapes, what would you think they will tell you? Are these really ufo’s?, Visitors from other worlds?
That day was very strange and I had a feeling that something wrong was happening. For some reason, nothing made that day look like an usual day. But,???...

Comentarios son bienvenidos

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009

Ufo’s -The Best Evidence – Visitors – With George Knapp

Ufo’s -The Best EvidenceVisitors With George Knapp...
Is a documentary relating what is going on with the ufo phenomena in the world. It seems that during 10 years now, everything is taking a new turn making more and more people get involve with these phenomena.
More sightings, more believers, more interesting photographs and stories are pouring all over the planet which it brings the population to about 91% of it, that believes the Ufo phenomena is real.
Maybe you already have watched this movie, but it is worth it to watch it again. There are good critics about it, and as always the ones who don’t think this is a good recompilation of information that could bring some answers to your old ufo questions.

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009

La Guerra Invisible sobre la humanidad (Invisible war on humanity)

Good article that brings insights about humanity's present and future...

Today we find ourselves living in progressively more turbulent and stressful times. Sensitive persons, and even the more discerning man-of-the-masses, are now feeling the increasing pressure and influence of unwholesome forces and powers arising, as prophesied, to maintain and reinforce their dominion in these end-times. The ongoing agenda to suppress genuine spiritual awareness and experience is intensifying; greater and more cunning efforts are being made to reduce the potential for freedom from the systems of physical and occult control that fashion and manipulate human society on Earth.
Continue reading at : http://www.thenewcall.org/ri_invisible_war.htm

Sheldan Nidle Sirian Update Nov.24/09

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

Link: http://www.galacticfriends.com

9 Etznab, 1 Yaxk'in, 5 Caban

Selamat Jarin! We come again to continue our weekly discussion with you! Around you the struggle between Light and dark plays out. The last dark cabal prevails, but its grip on your world has dwindled considerably and what are now mere finger-holds are slipping fast. Meanwhile, your society continues to wrestle with the disease, chaos, and out-and-out chicanery the dark has unleashed. The necessity for the much-needed distribution of your global abundance weighs heavily upon our Earth allies and their determination to get their massive agenda rolling keeps getting stronger by the day. The moment of their success approaches rapidly and all is in readiness. We monitor everything and do as much for them as Heaven will allow. To help their efforts we have brought forward our program for full 'UFO' disclosure. A project that spans nearly this entire decade is close to a series of major breakthroughs. Many key governments on your planet have clubbed together to bring this unveiling to fruition as UFO disclosure can easily become the straw that breaks the dark camel's back.

Your suffering reaches a point where Heaven hints that a direct approach is required, as your transformation cannot continue to be delayed by the dark. Lord Surea has issued a solemn decree to Heaven's local Administration that the divinely right moment has arrived to bring down the dark and its many arrogant minions. This decree opens up many possibilities for us as we probe your world for a way to initiate disclosure. At this time we are leaning toward a special conference where a formal joint announcement can be made. Yet to be decided are time and place. We are also working with our Earth allies to end the power of the USA Corporation and to set up an interim regime. These tasks demonstrate how committed we are to changing your world for the better by (for starters) transforming your planet's most powerful government back into a de jure republic. As we have mentioned before, our complex involvement in your affairs is unique in the annals of our nearly countless first contact missions. Our intention is to ensure that this contact moves smoothly from 'unique' to something much more normal.

This push forms the cornerstone of our mission. As you know, you are moving from a limited to a fully conscious Being. Many in some of your governments want this sacred operation stopped by whatever means necessary, or at least delayed. This motivation lays behind the many unconscionable acts that have sickened parts of your population, and it fuels further plans to unleash deadly pandemics upon you. The panic among the dark ones that this attests to is only just beginning to surface. Schemes to steal your abundance are also ongoing, and this constitutes the least of their outrages. They have plans to stage false UFO invasions, rev up the intensity of their illegal wars, and instigate an even more disastrous economic calamity. We keep tabs on this perfidy and observe that the global elements of this military-corporate-media complex are using every last trick in their very black book! These plots involve huge amounts of dark government programs. Naturally, we keep our Earth allies fully informed about what the cabal is up to.

In short, a vast, powerful establishment is working feverishly to prevent our coming and to keep our presence from the public. Normally this very hostile treatment of us would lead us to conclude that you are not yet ready for contact; we would then watch from afar to see if you could actually survive. In your case, this is not an option as first contact has been divinely decreed. We have even involved to a much greater extent than is usual the many Agarthans (Inner Earthers) who have long embedded themselves in your many global societies. This puts some of them in danger, and others right in the path of these panicked dark cabalists. We have jeopardized their cover in the interests of making your governments aware that a great deal of energy is being expended by us to let the dark ones know the degree of determination being brought to bear to carry out the divine plan for Earth. This led to some deaths among the Terran associates of the undercover personnel, but despite these troubles we will not falter!

We are working closely with individuals who have access to many of the key resources of these dark ones; it is our intention to bring into focus the remaining dark plots. We are using this information to set up a formula for a successful disclosure conference. As you can imagine, this operation is highly secret, but it is important to let you know that we are pursuing this option diligently. A number of key leaders are doing what is necessary to prepare you for this coming event. The time left is getting short, and so we have given top priority status to a number of projects along the lines stated above, backed by contingency plans for all other possible eventualities. Thus you are in the final moments of your present reality. We are going to see this through, and transform your world sufficiently to allow first contact to be readily plausible. This moment verily draws near!

As we look at your world we see a powerful cabal that is losing its control and ultimately unable to counter the deep inroads made by the Earth allies. We also see a group that is devilishly cunning but which just does not know how to sensibly let go. Your world is falling into a great abyss which our arrival in part prevents. Further, our Earth allies now comprehend the grand implications of what is happening to you: This transformation transcends by far any past massive upheaval in your history, such as the sudden overthrow of an empire; this time you will see fantastic new technologies appear, accompanied by the fully formed scientific explanations and spiritual concepts to go with them. Then you will move beyond even these. You are entering a new reality that is to stretch well into your future. This time is thus unique, and constitutes a portal to something utterly compelling: a new level of global consciousness!

We recognize this and see the unfolding events as a process which is pushing you toward your meeting with us and onwards to your divine destiny. First contact is an intrinsic part of all this and comes none too soon. Your pace is quickening. Heaven's plans are revealing the ways in which this is to become known to you, and the whole disclosure process is moving in tandem with this. Your society needs to see clearly that it is not alone and that what is to happen is not threatening. Far from it! Your innocence, or more properly your ignorance, about who we are is to be resolved in a very profound way. We welcome this imminence. Each day we prepare our crews to brief a number of major friendly governments and we feel these meetings are getting quite close to full UFO disclosure.

We are describing to you the means which, in one way or another, are to bring you relief from many mounting calamities. Your reality is already within the early stages of transformation and this reality shift is starting to accelerate. Our ships and crews are trained and ready to carry out the vital "go" order from Heaven. We wait and we act in accordance with what we have been told. Mother Earth is also ready to transform. Indeed, the entire solar system is beginning to change in consonance with the divine plan. All this is tied to your move into full consciousness. You are approaching the zero minute for this to manifest. Meanwhile, we monitor everything and are in joy over the things you are about to experience and the celebration that is nigh!

Today, we discussed the many things we are doing to bring all this to its divine conclusion. You are close to your transformation into full consciousness. Our role is to be announcer and mentor for this operation. We welcome this and joyfully anticipate our meeting and the celebration once your full consciousness is achieved.
Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) info@paoweb.com

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

El Fin del Mundo y las Profesías Mayas - No hay que temer!

Aunque actualmente estamos viviendo momentos muy difíciles en nuestro mundo como...
Rumores de guerra, muertes, epidemias, desempleos, hambre, disturbios geológicos, cambios climáticos, cambios en nuestro sistema solar etc.,
y una serie de conflictos políticos que nos están haciendo sentir que estamos en una cuerda floja, no necesariamente son indicios de que esto nos llevará a una destrucción de esta civilización que estamos viviendo.
Podríamos decir que todo esto es la cola del huracán alejándose de nosotros, aunque a su paso deje destrucción y desaliento, porgque una vez haya pasado, comenzaremos de nuevo, una nueva era donde el ser humano ya no tendrá que sufrir todas estas pruebas de nuevo para alcanzar su sueño; de vivir en un nuevo mundo.

The 2012 Enigma - por David Wilcock

The 2012 Enigma
Video muy importante donde David Wilcock nos presenta información sobre la glandula pineal,el tiempo y espacio,2012,y el projecto Montauk, la cual nunca habia sido presentada anteriormente.

La version completa de este documental la pueden ver en: http://divinecosmos.com/

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009

A quién la humanidad necesita para salvarse?

A quién la humanidad necesita para salvarse a “sí” misma y liberarse del caos y restaurar la paz en la vida de los humanos? Eso es…Nosotros mismos!, (la humanidad misma) tiene que estar “a cargo” de su propia lucha por la libertad de su propia ignorancia, y esto es…, porque nosotros no sabemos reconocer porque estamos aquí y cual es nuestro propósito en esta vida y la responsabilidad que tiene la humanidad como una “Gran familia.”

Mientras más cosas nuevas experimentamos, nuevos estilos de vida, nuevas tecnologías,nuevos avances en la ciencia, tecnologias espaciales y medicina, además de todo lo que tiene que ver con una “civilización avanzada”; (dejando atras el estado de mono); parecería que todas estas cosas son en vano,(aunque han sido creadas con buenas intenciones y por la voluntad de Dios para nosotros); hemos ido corrompiendo todo lo que nos ha sido brindado por la fuerza creadora del Universo y la Tierra, para nuestro bién;y nuestro paso en esta vida.

Por donde quiera que miramos, todavía hay confusión en la mente y corazones de las personas, porque todo ha sido corrompido hasta cierto punto, que las cosas ya no están claras como para sentirse seguros y libres de los asechos inflinjidos por la humanidad a si misma.

Todo el mundo hala para su propio lado, sin saber que todos estamos en la misma forma de vida y lugar, y no se dan cuenta de que tenemos que compartir más de lo que hemos compartido en nuestra historia pasada; porque si compartimos en una forma de vida pacifica y nos mantenemos centralizados en el significado de nuestras creaciones como humanidad, eso desviara la ignorancia fuera de nuestra vida diaria, trayendo lo que todos hemos deseado y “siempre lo hemos deseado”;… “Libertad”

Esta libertad hara que la humanidad trabaje unidad y re-evalue lo que ella misma ha creado através de los milenios, y aceptar que todo lo que será y ha sido; fué un regalo para nosotros con solo un propósito;… Vivir y experimentar lo que la vida significa en esta dimension, para el mejoramiento de nuestras almas y el progreso hacia una vida majer.

Si nos mantenemos en paz con nosotros mismos; muchas grandes cosas podrán ser adquiridas. Lo primero será; ENTENDERNOS ENTRE NOSOTROS MISMOS. Luego, EL AMOR fluirá tan fácil que las cosas darán un giro hacia un futuro más creativo, que no solo nos traerá comodidad,abundancia,alegría y paz eterna, y muchas otras cosas más, que el ser humano todavía no entiende y cree que pueda creer que esto sea una realidad en si.

La humanidad tiene sus visions, pero aunque esto sea cierto, (como la humanidad visualiza las cosas), a veces se les presentan dudas en su camino, debido al programa de la mente que les dice(no eres nadie o nada, o “eres solamente algo que fué creado sin ningún propósito en esta vida); que hará que estas visions desaparezcan y su potencial creativo ya no soportará la visión para su creación; siendo esta la que fue traída a la mente de él o ella; dejando a este humano fuera de la carrera hacia un futuro mejor.

Pero que tal si esto fuera todo lo contrario? Esta es muy facil! Luego ese ser humano, se habrá unido con el resto de los otros humanos que entienden y representan lo que un ser humano es capaz de hacer y consecuentemente expandir la fuerza creasional en este planeta para aclarar las cosas y hacer que la humanidad se sienta libre de si misma. Luego es cuando comienza, “la carrera de la felicidad” para todo el mundo en este planeta.

Nadie, ni siquiera los gobiernos falsos o las religiones nos detendrán de “SER QUIENES SOMOS” y nuestras almas y corzones seran libres para nosotros; para continuar hacia un futuro con el boleto más grande (en nuestros bolsillos) sabiendo que la humanidad está a cargo del bienestar de todo, nosotros, el planeta y el Universo (con la responsabilidad que corresponde a cada uno) por ese futuro.

Si comenzamos a “transformarnos” a nosotros mismos y liberarnos nosotros mismos; de todo este miedo y posiciones de ataduras, no habrá nadie que pueda decir que no tendremos una oportunidad para ganar; porque mientras más nos unamos y nos amemos el uno al otro, y mientras más compasión y compartamos con cada uno; esa sera la fuerza más grande que alguna vez será creada en esta tierra; que nadie con intenciones obscuras podra ser capaz de derrotar.

Nosotros somos una gran fuerza unida que Gaia (la Tierra), nuestro hermoso planeta ha aceptado y alimentado con su amor por centurias, y ahora ella se merece nuestros esfuerzos como una humanidad unida, para restaurarla y a nosotros mismos, de esa aparente prisión que fué creada por la “ignorancia”, y que nosotros aceptamos como nuestra realidad.

Mantengamonos unidos! Traigamos esos boletos fuera de nuestros bolsillos y comencemos el viaje de alegría de nuestras vidas. Nosotros nos lo merecemos, porque hemos trabajado mucho por conseguirlo, y el tiempo está acercándose para ver y sentir nuestra nueva creación que ha estado grabada en nuestros corazones por un largo tiempo o una eternidad.

Estamos listos para entrelazar nuestras emociones, creaciones, sentimientos, compasión y sobre todo (El Amor, el cual es la fuerza principal que nos une), através de este planeta y utilizar nuestro boleto para el viaje más feliz de nuestras vidas?