miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

Ufo: Contact A Chance For Mankind

Through eons of time, the Earth has been visited by a more advance race of humans and other types of races, who interacted with humanity on Earth at the beginning; bringing the knowledge that they acquire through their long existence, by experiencing what we call the “ups and downs” of learning the hard way.
As they learned of their mistakes, they evolve very rapidly, with the understanding of who they were and how they were connected to their reality and the “Source” that brings the all that exists.
As they began to understand the difference between peace and war, destruction and creation, knowledge and ignorance; and the knowing from where they came from and how they were created, and their purpose; they decided to bring a change in their existence, by changing in a positive way, leaving behind that which almost destroyed them, to extinguish themselves into the nothingness.
As a more advanced civilization with great feelings of love and compassion, and knowledge of great technologies, they decided to spread throughout the universe, and bring this knowledge to the less advance civilizations.
They started monitoring other civilizations; by watching very closer their good intentions and their mistakes, in order for other races, to not commit the same mistakes that they committed through their existence at the beginning; and to prepare other worlds and humans on Earth, for the most unique relation between earth humans and other civilizations of the vast Universe.
They have been in a way, caring for this planet and her people, without us not knowing of their existence. There is no doubt that these monitoring missions, have occurred in intervals through time, but now as a great event in human history is coming closer to its revelation, their presence on this planet is being revealed by more sightings and groups of people who personally have had contact with them, to bring this truth to humanity and set them free from the ties that has kept humans, in a state of ignorance; keeping them blind about their true nature and purpose to be in this earthly reality “dimension” and what our responsibilities towards the Earth and the rest of our neighbors, “is” out there.
We are getting closer to this Contact reality, as humans awaken from their long dream state. This is not a fancy story or mythology (even thou mythology has great truth in it); this is a fact, that we belong to a more complex reality than what we have been made believe to. We belong to a more complex reality than what we think of.
We do not have to be in fear of the darkness, because in the darkness exists the energy of light; that shapes our thoughts and converts them into a positive reality. View it like this: A camera is box, (the dark side). You hit the shutter, (which is your word, thought or intention) to bring the light into a thing, place or horizon. Once the light hits that place, (where your word, thought or intentions goes) then you get the positive; which is a “picture”(creation) which came from the (dark side in that camera). That is why in the darkness exists all the energy (light) unimaginable to bring everything into existence; into a reality, into a creation. The beginning of creation is that small box we call camera. At the same time, the beginning of our creation is that Source in which all the energy that has ever been created and existed is always, eternally found.
We all come from the same source and as time progresses; we have achieved a better understanding of who we are and where we are going to. We of course have had intervention in our progress even thou no understanding of this has being revealed. Our religions and learning institutions have gone short in revealing this truth; but science has always insisted that we must have come from some place, that is why science now is getting closer to a better understanding universe and our relation to it. Now is the time! Open your hearts and minds to a wonderful future, for man deserves their liberty to join other civilizations in to the final quest to join the Universal Source, all as One.

UFO: Contact A Chance For Mankind

This film explores the evidence of extraterrestrial contact and the knowledge they bring as well as their possible influence on the future destiny of human history. Includes a fantastic collection of interviews from top scientists and researchers from around the world, stunning computer graphics and incredable photos and video of UFOs in flight.