lunes, 19 de julio de 2010

The 2010 Scenario

Revealing and interesting past posts from different sources, starting with The 2012 Scenario.

In this post the 2012 Scenario is well explain. Those who are interested in knowing how things are being exposed or brought to our attention should read these messages. Maybe some changes will start to occur in your minds and start to see things differently; with a different perspective from the one you have had for almost all of your life.
So if you want to know more about what is going on and will be happening soon, it is time to start looking for the truth and read just about everything that will bring an understanding of what is going on in the present which will affect our future.
I know that many are against changes, but I also know that most of humanity is tired of the same old story of no change for good. We want positive changes to occur and we should be part of what is coming our way.
We have the capacity to start building our new future, but not before we change our attitudes towards others and how we care about our planet. Many in the world already understand the miscarriage done to this planet and are willing with all of their hearts to bring those changes and they are already in line to work together for the benefit of all and our dear Earth.
So start by looking into what you have always denied as being of truth. All the information that is being brought to you now, seems too much to handle, but I assure you that even thou it looks like fantasy, it is really not. This is what really going on, and many already have join in to bring the changes for humanity.
Get information on Disclosure, First Contact, Ascension, Accountability, Nesara, and many, many other discussions and messages that will open your mind to prepare you for our close future.
Things in our world right now look dark, but we will help in bringing the light and all those consciences that had been sleep, will wake up to a new reality in a blink of an eye.
Start reading here and then go to the link below, from there on you will find many interesting things that will clarify most of your questions and maybe you will become one more in the family of change.

Published on OpEdNews ( and revised May 26, 2010.

Feb. 23, 2009

According to Mayan and other indigenous prophecies, one cycle of history is due to come to an end in December of 2012 – and another cycle begin.
At that time, we will see the sun set on the Age of Pisces and dawn on the Age of Aquarius. Viewed from a Hindu perspective, at that time, the Kali Yuga or Age of Darkness reportedly will end and the Sat Yuga or Age of Truth begin. Many Hindus call the Sat Yuga the “Golden Age.”
The scenario I’m following, whether you look at it from the Mayan perspective or from that of several other groups watching the same subject, holds that, in the year 2012, the present cycle of duality or Third-Dimensional (3D) reality will end for the greatest number of Earth residents and, together with the Planet itself, we will migrate back to the Fifth Dimension (5D), heading in the direction whence we originally came.
This event has come to be known generally, in the circles I travel in, as the “Ascension” and the period that it begins as the “Golden Age” (proper).
Some people will not come along. They’re the mass murderers among us, the torturers, assassins, war criminals, financial traitors, and so on, who’ll choose not to go forward into the Light.
Apparently, they’ll remain in 3D reality. It was their choice. They’ll join us in the next cycle.
Looking forward, you could say I’m watching a number of events, generally known as Disclosure, First Contact, Accountability, NESARA, and Ascension. There will be a period of perhaps two to three years between Disclosure and Ascension.
“Disclosure” refers to the admission by Earth’s governments that extraterrestrials exist and that they are all around us in spaceships that many of us have seen on Youtube.
“First Contact” refers to the landing of these ships on Earth’s surface and the welcoming of these friendly extraterrestrial relatives (because we will find that they are relatives) into our midst. They are not here to harm us, but to assist us to live life more abundantly, without them expecting anything in return.
“Accountability” refers to a series of events that will see the legally-administered fall of a group that has held power on the Earth up till this time. This group has concentrated wealth in its own hands and has been responsible for a long list of crimes which most of us remain totally unaware of.
These crimes include 9/11, the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the London bombings, the Oklahoma City bombing, HAARP-induced earthquakes and hurricanes, global regime overthrows, assassinations, torture, pandemics, poisonous chemtrails, theft of trillions, and many other acts of mass murder, crimes against humanity, and financial treason.

miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

Ufo: Contact A Chance For Mankind

Through eons of time, the Earth has been visited by a more advance race of humans and other types of races, who interacted with humanity on Earth at the beginning; bringing the knowledge that they acquire through their long existence, by experiencing what we call the “ups and downs” of learning the hard way.
As they learned of their mistakes, they evolve very rapidly, with the understanding of who they were and how they were connected to their reality and the “Source” that brings the all that exists.
As they began to understand the difference between peace and war, destruction and creation, knowledge and ignorance; and the knowing from where they came from and how they were created, and their purpose; they decided to bring a change in their existence, by changing in a positive way, leaving behind that which almost destroyed them, to extinguish themselves into the nothingness.
As a more advanced civilization with great feelings of love and compassion, and knowledge of great technologies, they decided to spread throughout the universe, and bring this knowledge to the less advance civilizations.
They started monitoring other civilizations; by watching very closer their good intentions and their mistakes, in order for other races, to not commit the same mistakes that they committed through their existence at the beginning; and to prepare other worlds and humans on Earth, for the most unique relation between earth humans and other civilizations of the vast Universe.
They have been in a way, caring for this planet and her people, without us not knowing of their existence. There is no doubt that these monitoring missions, have occurred in intervals through time, but now as a great event in human history is coming closer to its revelation, their presence on this planet is being revealed by more sightings and groups of people who personally have had contact with them, to bring this truth to humanity and set them free from the ties that has kept humans, in a state of ignorance; keeping them blind about their true nature and purpose to be in this earthly reality “dimension” and what our responsibilities towards the Earth and the rest of our neighbors, “is” out there.
We are getting closer to this Contact reality, as humans awaken from their long dream state. This is not a fancy story or mythology (even thou mythology has great truth in it); this is a fact, that we belong to a more complex reality than what we have been made believe to. We belong to a more complex reality than what we think of.
We do not have to be in fear of the darkness, because in the darkness exists the energy of light; that shapes our thoughts and converts them into a positive reality. View it like this: A camera is box, (the dark side). You hit the shutter, (which is your word, thought or intention) to bring the light into a thing, place or horizon. Once the light hits that place, (where your word, thought or intentions goes) then you get the positive; which is a “picture”(creation) which came from the (dark side in that camera). That is why in the darkness exists all the energy (light) unimaginable to bring everything into existence; into a reality, into a creation. The beginning of creation is that small box we call camera. At the same time, the beginning of our creation is that Source in which all the energy that has ever been created and existed is always, eternally found.
We all come from the same source and as time progresses; we have achieved a better understanding of who we are and where we are going to. We of course have had intervention in our progress even thou no understanding of this has being revealed. Our religions and learning institutions have gone short in revealing this truth; but science has always insisted that we must have come from some place, that is why science now is getting closer to a better understanding universe and our relation to it. Now is the time! Open your hearts and minds to a wonderful future, for man deserves their liberty to join other civilizations in to the final quest to join the Universal Source, all as One.

UFO: Contact A Chance For Mankind

This film explores the evidence of extraterrestrial contact and the knowledge they bring as well as their possible influence on the future destiny of human history. Includes a fantastic collection of interviews from top scientists and researchers from around the world, stunning computer graphics and incredable photos and video of UFOs in flight.

sábado, 23 de enero de 2010

Message to Humanity from the Sirian Nation

This message has been post through different sites, to humanity. It is a channeled message, but the channel’s name was not mention; except that it is sign by The Sirian Nation
Read with open mind and if you are one of those who believe in the possibility that visitors from other stars are here to help humanity, then share it with your friends; The possibility, of a new beginning for humanity maybe closer, than we think.

January 17, 2010

Dearest Human,You are about to enter a time where all your material concerns are deeply in jeopardy.The masks that you enjoy are no longer working for you and now you arebeing left with the trace of who you are. This ‘Self’ must beacknowledged and polished if you have not begun to do so already.We have asked this channel to begin this process of communication withus to you in this way as a Beginning – for soon many of you will see us‘face to face’ and this will serve as the ‘Informal Introduction’.
Our plan to unfold the destiny of our Reality into yours has notoccurred before because of those who wish to suppress our existence andhave so much control over you.We have come many times at different periods in your history. We havecontinued to observe your Earth and your relationship to her.We come now because you have arrived at a new crossroads and you have a ‘green light’ to go forward!As we speak now, we are stationed above your atmosphere – approximately 300 meters above Florida.This is our normal ‘parking spot’ and we will convey further messages from this point until our ‘face to face’ messages begin.Let us remind you of our intent.We come in Peace.We come to ask you for your hand in partnership.We come to give you our help and assistance in cleaning up your planet.It has been plundered aimlessly in an attempt to extract from itanything and everything that can be used to line the pockets of asmall, wealthy, select few.These ones are the same ones that control the suppression of Truth that We Are.Dear Ones – we do not wish to harm you.We only wish to become teammates in your changing world.For it is to be made new in a stunning show of our acceptance whichwill then bring about new understanding and new technology that willforever change the way in which you live.Your world is changing rapidly.It is but only ONE of an Infinite many.You are NOT alone in this Universe!You are only a tiny portion of the Sea of Life that exists even in just your own Galaxy!

Who are we?We are a race of enlightened beings from a Star system similar to yours.It is blue. The binary star system resides outside of yours – to the right.The Star System as we call it is very hard for you to pronounce in your language.We will confirm it soon in another message.For now, our objective is to communicate to your our utmost desire for Peace and Understanding.Our God is your God.You will soon bear witness to the Greatest Show on Earth – which has nothing to do with the circus you are familiar with.We are part of an ‘act’ that will be permanent in your culture.We ask that you open your hearts to new ideas of Life.For in this Now, the gates ARE OPENING.In this Now, you have created the opportunity for us to arrive in a whole new way.

We come in Peace – again, we emphasize.We ask that this word get out to All who will have the Courage and Knowledge to do so.It is to help prepare the hearts and minds of the rest of your Earthly brothers and sisters for our arrival.We do not work alone.We have many friends that join us in our endeavor.There have been many efforts made to contact your leaders. Our pleas for Peace have been rejected.Some of your leaders opted to align themselves with a group of beings that did not have your best interests at heart.Technology was traded for inter-actment that was self-serving.Your governments know much more than they share with ‘you the people’.The time has come that enough Light has transmuted the ethers to permit the next phase of Awareness.We are here.We are Family.We have always been here.You are the ones ‘ARRIVING’, so to speak.Can it be, that for once and for all, your door shall be propped opento allow for the rushing influx of New Energies to bathe your planet?It is so.

We are a people of Kindness and Depth and Understanding.We have been where you are now.We have seen devastation.We have experienced pain.We know suffering.We have transmuted hatred into Love.We are not unfamiliar with what you face today.This is why we come.We can help.We can assist you and help lift you out of the murky ditch.Most of your world leaders know NOT what is best for your world.They pretend in their games of conquest that All is fine… All is well.All is not well.Your Earth mother is suffering and needs immediate assistance.It is as if she is choking.Would you not rush to the aid of a choking brother?

If our words touch your heart – if what we say to you warms your being,then we ask you to do two things… you the Dear People of Earth…Bring this message of Peace and Importance to as many as you can.Send this message far and wide to All that you can reach.Hold in your hearts your own Grandest Light as you send it.Allow for others ‘discomfort’, for it is not going to be as ‘easily digested’ by some.For those that take this message to the masses, know that you may very well receive responses to your dismay.Continue anyway.For in this way, the allotment of Truth will continue to reach thecorners of the Earth while those with ‘dismay’ contemplate the‘Largeness’ of the message and begin to see that an overwhelmingmajority favor this Knowledge.In this, they will eventually soften their wall of fear and allow this Truth to ‘sink in’ peacefully.Dearest Ones, we also ask you to live your lives in Peace and in celebration of the Grandest Love.As this message unfolds, allow it to inspire you to BE the example ofthese attributes, even to your brothers and sisters who show theirdismay.

We come NOT to do any harm.We come as a ‘Peaceful People’.My name is Adahar.We are from the Star Sirius.Our Love embraces this channel and all of our Earthly Family.We are of the Light and radiate it upon you in anticipation of our upcoming arrival.Go forth in Love.Live your Lives in the Highest ways of Joy and Peace.Treat your brothers and sisters with the Highest Respect.You are indeed One People.We are of One God.We set forth on a new journey of Adventure.We walk this new path with you and we are most happy to hold your hand up the mountain so that you can fly with us.We welcome you to our Galactic Neighborhood.We close this transmission in Peace.If our message resonates with you, go now and forward this message of Hope and Promise to All who will listen.The time is Now and time is hastening as we speak.And so it IS.

We are the Sirian Nation

viernes, 22 de enero de 2010

Cloud Entity Birth

Seeing and understanding how cloud entities are born.
Watch very carefully with open mind, soul, and eyes.
We don’t have to wait more to change our future.

Contact is being made for a long time, but blindness and ignorance were the cause.